More Works by Poovi Art
Don't just exist, live
Paintings - 376x376 cm
Journey Through Silence
Paintings - 61x61 cm
Sculpture pot - Thoughts
Sculpture - 25x18 cm
Sky is the limit 02
Sculpture - 22x18 cm
Paintings - 152x183 cm
I choose peace 02
Paintings - 122x122 cm
Life 03
Paintings - 61x46 cm
Nothing is perfect
Paintings - 71x56 cm
Floral Tapestry
Installation - 74x115 cm
The One Who Loves You A Lot 24
Paintings - 122x152 cm
Meant To Be 03
Paintings - 122x76 cm
I Dewell In Possibility
Collage - 71x56 cm
You are what you have
Paintings - 122x183 cm
Believe and act 02
Paintings - 61x45 cm
Falling leaves 01
Paintings - 61x46 cm