Pink Sky at Night

Paintings70.0 x 50.0 cm?
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Helen Wells
An artist based in Hastings. Helen's work is intricate and organic. Her original artworks often depict beautiful illusionary surfaces or landscapes.

With multiple layers, fragments, stunning colours and obsessive decorative details, her patterned works bring to mind elements of the natural world or magical other-worlds.

Helen often combines mediums such as ink, watercolour paint and paper to create fascinating and memorable art works that celebrate the joyful side of life and which allude to infinite possibilities.

Her artworks are in private collections all over the world.

In 2014 she co-won Winsor & Newton’s Watercolour Revolution competition which resulted in her painting being displayed in the Saatchi Gallery in London. She recently had an exhibition of her work at one of Gordon Ramsay’s restaurants in London, The Narrow.
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