More Works by Emily Starck
Paintings - 92x186 cm
Energie en rouge et noir
Paintings - 61x50 cm
The depths of the soul
Paintings - 97x110 cm
Blue January
Paintings - 57x64 cm
The unspeakable
Paintings - 105x90 cm
Vivaldi vibes
Paintings - 110x190 cm
March composition
Paintings - 110x100 cm
In my garden
Paintings - 200x230 cm
Paintings - 130x97 cm
Paintings - 27x46 cm
Paintings - 105x95 cm
The power of art
Paintings - 120x95 cm
This is how I express myself
Paintings - 100x92 cm
Pas de faux semblant
Paintings - 120x200 cm
Just do it
Paintings - 90x125 cm