Commission an artwork by Anja Gienger
We can arrange and oversee the creation of a new work, made specifically for you.
Anja Gienger is a German artist based in Tübingen. She combines ink, acrylics, gemstone pigments, monotype printed textures, paper and rags of textil in her predominantly abstract works, which are marked by contrasts between open spaces and detail and the disruption of calm surfaces with dynamic lines resembling scripture. Anja engages with the reoccurring theme of polarity from ever-changing perspectives, such as the cycles of life, social processes, or human thought and emotion. Equally central is the theme of time in her paintings, which tell stories of change as one of the only stable realities of existence. Her work is influenced by her love for Taoist energy arts, such as tai chi, qi gong, bagua and mediation, which she has practiced and taught for decades. Anja early interest in Eastern cultures, philosophies and healing techniques inspired her to spend extended periods of time living in and travelling through Asia, during which time she began to capture her impressions artistically in a sketch book, mostly using watercolours. Following this period, Anja applied herself fully to her art in the early 1990s. In addition to her own autodidactic studies, she attended the freie Kunsthochschule Metzingen and studied with diverse artists around the world. Since 1998, Anja’s paintings have been displayed in numerous individual and group exhibitions in Germany and abroad, including Zürich and Beijing.
We can arrange and oversee the creation of a new work, made specifically for you.