Diane Garcès de Marcilla

  • About
Emerging Artist

Born in Havana in 1965, Diane Garcès de Marcilla was 4 years old when she arrived in France. Passionate about painting since her childhood, in search of wonder she never ceases to express her art. As a demanding, curious nature, she likes to renew herself, her painting progresses to the rhythm of her explorations. The attention paid to color and its role of transmission of feeling are at the center of his painting. It enriches the painting with a long work of colored overlays to dissolve the shapes and offer other paths, in order to leave a place to the unspeakable. Water modulates the pictorial power of tones and invites the heart of the subtlety between the precise and the vagueness, the perennial and the ephemeral. The iridescence from the application of multiple glacis, activates a movement that will sign the singularity of the table. Another common thread of the work is the investigation of the subject: the delicacy of intimate, introspection, childhood, nature as a metaphor of the inner world. They are the spark of something sincere; The roads of the intangible mind. The fragility of life, her impermanence influenced her gaze, she sublimates them beyond their reality towards more sweetness and tenderness. "Painting is my homeland, the place, the moment I wake up, reveal fully. "A little nod to Marguerite Yourcenar, in" The Memoirs of Hadrian "she writes:" The real place of birth is the one where we have for the first time have an intelligent glance on oneself. My first homelands were the books. » -Diane Garcès de Marcilla

Diane Garcès de Marcilla Artworks

Gallery View

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    showing 1-12 of 12
    Fou rire by Diane Garcès de Marcilla
    View in a room interior
    Fou rire by Diane Garcès de Marcilla
    Fou rire
    Paintings - 60x60 cm
    Liens by Diane Garcès de Marcilla
    View in a room interior
    Liens by Diane Garcès de Marcilla
    Paintings - 80x120 cm
    Dos by Diane Garcès de Marcilla
    View in a room interior
    Dos by Diane Garcès de Marcilla
    Paintings - 80x80 cm
    Couple solaire by Diane Garcès de Marcilla
    View in a room interior
    Couple solaire by Diane Garcès de Marcilla
    Couple solaire
    Paintings - 81x65 cm
    L'heure tranquille by Diane Garcès de Marcilla
    View in a room interior
    L'heure tranquille by Diane Garcès de Marcilla
    L'heure tranquille
    Paintings - 70x80 cm
    Bulle by Diane Garcès de Marcilla
    View in a room interior
    Bulle by Diane Garcès de Marcilla
    Paintings - 81x60 cm
    A l'aube du coeur by Diane Garcès de Marcilla
    View in a room interior
    A l'aube du coeur by Diane Garcès de Marcilla
    A l'aube du coeur
    Paintings - 70x70 cm
    Les parasols by Diane Garcès de Marcilla
    View in a room interior
    Les parasols by Diane Garcès de Marcilla
    Les parasols
    Paintings - 61x38 cm
    Forteresse fragile by Diane Garcès de Marcilla
    View in a room interior
    Forteresse fragile by Diane Garcès de Marcilla
    Forteresse fragile
    Paintings - 40x40 cm
    View in a room interior
    Tivoli by Diane Garcès de Marcilla
    Paintings - 73x92 cm
    View in a room interior
    Nuage d'arbres by Diane Garcès de Marcilla
    Nuage d'arbres
    Paintings - 40x40 cm

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