Louis Vairel
After studying art at the École Supérieure d’Art et Design de Reims, Louis Vairel designs and creates objects, lighting, and furniture in his Toulouse workshop before dedicating himself to acrylic painting and figurative digital and handwritten illustration in January 2020.
Louis Vairel paints the animal. This animal that we only encounter through images. This animal that we no longer know and that we consider so different from us. He stages it in a way that it invades the space. Its exaggerated size makes it unavoidable to our gaze, especially in a domestic and familiar space. The reading of the painting is disturbed, the chimera becomes an anomaly. This series of paintings illustrates the relationship between an unknown wild world and our daily lives, amplified by an unmistakable scale contrast.
Alongside the "Chimeras," this new series focuses on the subject of the skull. It offers another, more unpleasant vision of an often-familiar animal. Positioned on the oversized remains of its ancestor, the animal testifies to the fragility of its species. It will never be concerned with the vanity of its existence as a vanity in painting would show. On the contrary, it reflects a vulnerable world, a silent life, illustrated by a nature that is dying.