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Alberto Giacometti

  • About

Giacometti was one of the most important sculptors of the 20th century. His work was particularly influenced by artistic styles such as cubism and surrealism. Philosophical questions about the human condition, as well as existential and phenomenological debates, played an important role in his work. Around 1935, he abandoned his Surrealist influences to pursue a more in-depth analysis of figurative compositions . Giacometti wrote texts for periodicals and exhibition catalogs, and recorded his thoughts and memories in notebooks and diaries. His critical nature led him to doubt his own work and his inability to do justice to his own artistic vision. His insecurities nevertheless remained a powerful artistic motivating force throughout his life.

Alberto Giacometti Artworks

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    showing 1-2 of 2
    Nu aux fleurs by Alberto Giacometti
    View in a room interior
    Nu aux fleurs by Alberto Giacometti
    Nu aux fleurs
    Prints - 30x27 cm
    Derriere Le Miroir by Alberto Giacometti
    View in a room interior
    Derriere Le Miroir by Alberto Giacometti
    Derriere Le Miroir
    Prints - 38x28 cm
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