Carolin Kreutzer

Carolin Kreutzer

Carolin Kreutzer‘s paintings reflect on relationships and perception. They tell about shared values and individual freedom. The composition is reduced to the essential. Hard edges are limiting homogeneous colours. Carolin grew up with three sisters, nutured by an artistic mother, while her father introduced her to the art of photography. She worked as a designer and art director for furniture, fashion and luxury lifestyle brands for 15 years before moving into art-making full-time. Her background in design helps her to create carefully constructed, and balanced abstract artworks that appeal to a sense of structure while maintaining an element of playfulness. "Like every person, every shape has a different relationship to its fellows, like every colour responds to its surrounding." Born in Hamburg, Germany Carolin lives and works in a rural area near Stuttgart where she operates her atelier for artistic work.

Carolin Kreutzer Artworks

Gallery View

    All Art
    showing 1-7 of 7
    Traditionen by Carolin Kreutzer
    View in a room interior
    Traditionen by Carolin Kreutzer
    Paintings - 100x120 cm
    Touché by Carolin Kreutzer
    View in a room interior
    Touché by Carolin Kreutzer
    Paintings - 100x80 cm
    About a Couple by Carolin Kreutzer
    View in a room interior
    About a Couple by Carolin Kreutzer
    About a Couple
    Paintings - 90x70 cm
    Eintauchen by Carolin Kreutzer
    View in a room interior
    Eintauchen by Carolin Kreutzer
    Paintings - 100x80 cm
    Calm Down by Carolin Kreutzer
    View in a room interior
    Calm Down by Carolin Kreutzer
    Calm Down
    Paintings - 100x80 cm
    Attrappe by Carolin Kreutzer
    View in a room interior
    Attrappe by Carolin Kreutzer
    Paintings - 40x50 cm
    Die Brücke by Carolin Kreutzer
    View in a room interior
    Die Brücke by Carolin Kreutzer
    Die Brücke
    Paintings - 100x120 cm

    Commission an artwork by Carolin Kreutzer

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