Atina Rabou

Atina Rabou

With the paintings of Atina Rabou we enter the realm of the unconscious.

The non-representational, mostly large-format compositions are defined by the speed and rhythm of her painting process, revealing an expressive and dynamic visual language. Her work leans on the techniques of Tachism and lyrical abstraction. The surface becomes her action space where brushstrokes, lines and color spots come together or either break apart, allowing fields of energy to emerge.

Atina’s works feature a delicate balance between fluid and condensed elements, forming an open structure that invites the viewer to engage with the creative process and interpret it. Often, the energy centers in her compositions remain held in an intriguing emptiness, giving her paintings a unique sense of depth and contemplation.

Her art is not a mere depiction but a transformation—an evolving process where the invisible becomes visible, drawing the viewer into the narrative.

Atina works from her studio in Cologne, Germany.

Atina Rabou Artworks

Gallery View

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    showing 1-16 of 20
    This everlasting desire by Atina Rabou
    View in a room interior
    This everlasting desire by Atina Rabou
    This everlasting desire
    Paintings - 45x35 cm
    All the flowers I owe myself, no. 2 by Atina Rabou
    View in a room interior
    All the flowers I owe myself, no. 2 by Atina Rabou
    I know I'll make it true by Atina Rabou
    View in a room interior
    I know I'll make it true by Atina Rabou
    I know I'll make it true
    Paintings - 80x70 cm
    meet me in my dreams by Atina Rabou
    View in a room interior
    meet me in my dreams by Atina Rabou
    meet me in my dreams
    Paintings - 140x200 cm
    It's all been a fantasy by Atina Rabou
    View in a room interior
    It's all been a fantasy by Atina Rabou
    It's all been a fantasy
    Paintings - 80x60 cm
    falling yet feeling safe by Atina Rabou
    View in a room interior
    falling yet feeling safe by Atina Rabou
    falling yet feeling safe
    Paintings - 140x100 cm
    untitled by Atina Rabou
    View in a room interior
    untitled by Atina Rabou
    Paintings - 150x215 cm
    All the way, all of me by Atina Rabou
    View in a room interior
    All the way, all of me by Atina Rabou
    All the way, all of me
    Paintings - 160x155 cm
    mainly because it makes me feel things by Atina Rabou
    View in a room interior
    mainly because it makes me feel things by Atina Rabou
    walking with changes by Atina Rabou
    View in a room interior
    walking with changes by Atina Rabou
    walking with changes
    Paintings - 150x120 cm
    View in a room interior
    because of you by Atina Rabou
    because of you
    Paintings - 150x120 cm
    View in a room interior
    beautiful solitude in morning flows by Atina Rabou
    View in a room interior
    untitled by Atina Rabou
    Paintings - 50x70 cm
    View in a room interior
    Be my morning sun by Atina Rabou
    Be my morning sun
    Paintings - 95x80 cm
    View in a room interior
    maybe this is me moving on by Atina Rabou
    maybe this is me moving on
    Paintings - 70x100 cm
    View in a room interior
    the warmth from an old picture by Atina Rabou
    the warmth from an old picture
    Paintings - 80x100 cm

    Commission an artwork by Atina Rabou

    We can arrange and oversee the creation of a new work, made specifically for you.

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