Kjell Folkvord
“The aim of Art is not to represent the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.” Aristotle. This quotation represents my aim as a painter: to communicate from my inner landscape with colours, lines and forms. Colours are letters to me, coming together to form “words”. A colour might ask for a friend, which I need to find or mix. My experience, emotions, memories and cognitive resources are my tools. Experimentation is important: to walk down a rarely traveled road. My main medium is acrylic on canvas, also Compositions on paper. I enjoy making series eg “A Year - Portraits of Twelve Months” inspired by boyhood memories growing up in Norway. My style is abstract, but my works often relate to ideas or things. Titles can be an important part of the concept, but sometimes give away too much, as I hope individuals will establish their own relationship to my paintings. I am Norwegian, moving to London in 2010 and a full time artist at Wimbledon Art Studios.