
Discover contemporary cartoonists online. Explore a collection of world-leading cartoon artists such as Takashi Murakami and Carl Moore, adept in a variety of different mediums from drawings to portrait paintings and lithograph prints.

Takashi Murakami’s work is a cross-pollination of traditional Japanese painting and anime. Takashi democratically blends properties of high art and consumer culture, thereby forging a new visual language through his work. The artist is particularly known for his ‘Superflat’ approach which appreciates the flatness of Japanese graphics and fine art while highlighting the shallowness of consumer culture. Supercharged with colour, his lithograph prints such as Dazzling Circus: Embrace Peace And Darkness Within Thy Heart, could brighten up any space.

With a style often described as comic abstraction, Ellanah Sadkin uses vivid flat colours, geometric shapes and the markings of cartoons and comic books to explore the human psyche. Disclosing familiar comic book and cartoon characters such as Snow White, acrylic on canvas, in a relatable way, she is able to delve into the inner emotions, anxiety and sense of purpose of both the observer and herself. Her cartoon portraits are also heavily influenced by the street art graffiti scene in New York.

Marco Raparelli recounts what it means to be human with his eloquent and relatable illustrations and drawings. Marco avoids the temptation to overly decorate his drawings so that the subjects dominate the scene. They are often portrayed surprised or in slight disarray, discovered in everyday places but in bizarre predicaments. For example, Painter and Join Us are joyful representations of the human condition.

Carl Moore creates tragi-comic paintings of animals pretending to be other animals such as The Cat Who Wanted To Be A Bee. His Dripsters series is also widely admired, showing animals dissolving into drips of paint such as in Pink Elephant. Despite the sinister undertone, his canvases remain to be humorous and entirely unique works of art.

Athol Whitmore explores the potency of childhood memory and the marvel of play in his mixed-media compositions. Athol’s multidisciplinary approach, using media such as gloss paint, varnish, enamel and even duct tape, allows him to repurpose a variety of found materials. His plate series, with creations like Hello There and the figurative Pink Lady, provoke feelings of nostalgia in observers, reawakening the inner Peter Pan in everyone.

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    Featured Artists
    showing 16-30 of 39

    Hugo Castilho

    B. 1995

    Mary Anne Arntzen

    United States
    B. 1981

    Riki Antoni

    B. 1977


    United Kingdom
    B. 1974

    Peter Hawkins

    United Kingdom

    Yoni Alter

    United Kingdom
    B. 1980

    Nick Chaffe

    United Kingdom
    B. 1978

    Lindi Shi

    B. 1995

    Mncedi Madolo

    South Africa
    B. 1988

    Claudie Gimeno

    B. 1967


    B. 1979

    Athol Whitmore

    United Kingdom
    B. 1980

    Chiho Aoshima

    B. 1974

    Sasha C. Bokobza

    B. 1979

    Olga Lomaka

    United Kingdom
    B. 1982

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