Featured Artists

Use our Featured Artists guides to learn about the most exciting emerging and established artists working today. Whether you’re looking to find out more about artists you love, or you’re wanting to discover new talent, our Featured Artists guides take you through everything from the process, to the all important concept that fuels an artist’s practice. Look at our Featured Artists guides and explore art and artists in more depth.

How the Featured Artists Guides Work

Our Featured Artists guides offer a deep dive into the artist behind the art. Take our guide, Gavin Turk: Giving Permanence to the Impermanent and Worth to the Worthless, where we take you through the evolution of the much-celebrated artist’s career and explore Gavin’s relationship with Britain and with the climate, or our piece, Magnus Gjoen: Reviving the Old to Make Way for the New, in which we track the artist’s overarching influences. Both guides offer an understanding of just what it is that makes an artist tick.

Featured Artist Guides You Won’t Want To Miss

Among our Featured Artists guides are pieces on some of the most highly regarded artists working today, alongside emerging new names in the art world. One guide that shows a glimpse of studio life and the process of creating work is Think what you want about Bruce McLean’s sculptures, just don’t think about them too much. Another must-read is Barry Johnson: The Art of Creating New Personas, which details the unusual winding road that led to Barry’s career as an artist. Find, read and discover more pieces like this with our Featured Artists Guides.

Rise Art’s Top 5 Contemporary Irish Artists

Irish artists are working at the forefront of the contemporary art scene, and whether drawing on their nationality, or participating in expressive ways of creating, they are forming the fabric of the art world. Discover some of the top Contemporary Irish Artists working today.
Rise Art’s Top 5 Contemporary Irish Artists

Rise Art’s Top 5 Contemporary Artists

Modern artists are forever rewriting the rules of contemporary art. What does it take to tread such uncharted creative territory? Learn from the modern vanguards of experimentation, style and craft; Rise Art’s Top 5 Contemporary Artists.

Rise Art’s Top 5 Contemporary Minimalist Artists

Our team of curators have selected five contemporary artists who are paving the way for minimalist art today. Ranging from sculptors, to painters, to printmakers, Rise Art’s Top 5 Contemporary Minimalist Artists showcases artists at the helm of this ever-intriguing artistic style.

Rise Art's Top 5 Contemporary Expressionist Artists

Our curators have hand-selected the top avant-garde artists in the modern art scene. Discover Rise Art’s top 5 contemporary expressionist artists. Experimenting with rich expanses of colour, obscure perspectives and unique textures, this talented bunch carry the torch with a firm grip.

6 Contemporary Landscape Artists Pushing Past Tradition

Landscape painting. The term brings to mind J.M.W. Turner and John Constable, who made the genre popular in the 19th century. Since then, artists have continually updated the subject, through the Impressionism of Claude Monet to the Pop Art of David Hockney. Today, can artists continue to make landscape painting relevant and exciting?

10 Artists Promoting Diversity Through Portraiture

In recent years, artists have been reclaiming the portrait to uncover the true complexities of identity. Discover some of the contemporary artists celebrating and promoting diversity through portraiture.

Top 10 Famous Female Artists & How to Get The Look

Today, on International Women’s Day, we come together to celebrate the achievements of women and continue to drive change for a more inclusive, gender equal world. So it only seems appropriate for us to take stock and celebrate our favourite female artists of all time.

Bridget Davies

Rise Art Head Curator Rebecca Gordon describes the work of Bridget Davies as filled with spontaneity, elegance, sensuality, beauty, and texture... Read on for our Q&A with the artist herself!

How Richard Hamilton influenced my Art

Richard Walker’s work marks an eruption of extraordinary creative expression, which burst onto international cultural scenes of the 70’s. He has also worked with a range of different mediums and produced a selection of film and sound works in the 80’s. Walker lectures in BA and MA Printmaking at Camberwell School of Art, London. He discusses the influence of print-giant Richard Hamilton on his personal practice

5 things you didn't know about Henri Matisse

Known for his use of colour and fluid, original draughtsmanship Matisse came to art comparatively late in life and made his reputation as the principal protagonist of Fauvism, the first avant-garde movement at the turn of the century. His long career culminated in a highly original series of works made of paper cut-outs, which confirmed his reputation, with Picasso, as one of the major artists of the 20th century. Here's 5 things about him that you might not have been aware of.
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