Featured Artists

Use our Featured Artists guides to learn about the most exciting emerging and established artists working today. Whether you’re looking to find out more about artists you love, or you’re wanting to discover new talent, our Featured Artists guides take you through everything from the process, to the all important concept that fuels an artist’s practice. Look at our Featured Artists guides and explore art and artists in more depth.

How the Featured Artists Guides Work

Our Featured Artists guides offer a deep dive into the artist behind the art. Take our guide, Gavin Turk: Giving Permanence to the Impermanent and Worth to the Worthless, where we take you through the evolution of the much-celebrated artist’s career and explore Gavin’s relationship with Britain and with the climate, or our piece, Magnus Gjoen: Reviving the Old to Make Way for the New, in which we track the artist’s overarching influences. Both guides offer an understanding of just what it is that makes an artist tick.

Featured Artist Guides You Won’t Want To Miss

Among our Featured Artists guides are pieces on some of the most highly regarded artists working today, alongside emerging new names in the art world. One guide that shows a glimpse of studio life and the process of creating work is Think what you want about Bruce McLean’s sculptures, just don’t think about them too much. Another must-read is Barry Johnson: The Art of Creating New Personas, which details the unusual winding road that led to Barry’s career as an artist. Find, read and discover more pieces like this with our Featured Artists Guides.

5 Things You Didn't Know About David Bailey

Cockney born David Bailey burst onto the London scene to inspire and document the Swinging Sixties with his iconic black and white photographs. Bailey started taking photographs with his mother's Brownie camera. Inspired by Picasso, when Bailey first saw his paintings of Dora Maar, he says, "It was like getting religion: in those few paintings he showed me there were no rules." Here's five things you didn't know about David Bailey.
5 Things You Didn't Know About David Bailey
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