The secret language of birds

Paintings76.2 x 101.6 cm?
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Artwork physical size measured as height by width by depth. Artwork purchased with a frame will usually be 5cm (2.5in) longer in each dimension.

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More Works by Lorna Scheepers
Lorna Scheepers
Lorna Scheepers is a South African-born contemporary artist whose vibrant, emotive paintings explore the organic connection between nature and the human spirit. She began her artistic journey at age 29, completing her Visual Communication education at the Open Window Art Academy in Pretoria in 1999. Though trained in a formal setting, it wasn't until her relocation to the USA in 2015 that she embraced art as a full-time career.

Her work is deeply personal, often reflecting her emotions, memories, and the landscapes that shaped her African heritage. Lorna's paintings merge abstract expressionism with lush botanical forms, creating compositions that are dynamic, meditative, and rich in color. Her use of bold, vibrant palettes serves as a metaphor for life's transitions, growth, and the resilience of both nature and the human spirit.

Influenced by her dual citizenship between South Africa and the USA, her work is informed by the richness of living between two worlds, exploring themes of belonging, identity, and the delicate coexistence of humanity and the environment. Her current works, such as "June" and "July," invite reflection on the cycles of life and the beauty of renewal.

Now based in Somerset West, Western Cape, Lorna continues to develop her intuitive practice, gaining attention from collectors across Europe, Africa, and the USA.
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