More Works by Lorna Scheepers
Going Home
Paintings - 91x91 cm
The secret language of birds
Paintings - 76x102 cm
Fox River Blues
Paintings - 91x91 cm
Paintings - 100x50 cm
The grass is greener on the other side because it is watered.
Paintings - 91x91 cm
My heart is like a tree with its flowers ablaze
Paintings - 61x122 cm
Ephemeral Bloom
Paintings - 100x50 cm
Paintings - 100x50 cm
Paintings - 91x91 cm
Paintings - 100x50 cm
Come forth into the Light of things
Paintings - 102x76 cm
Paintings - 100x50 cm
Underneath the frozen river the water still flows
Paintings - 102x76 cm
Another Dimension
Paintings - 91x120 cm
Pink mountain, Blue sky
Paintings - 120x91 cm