Natural Rhapsody

Paintings70.0 x 130.0 cm?
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More Works by Fintan Whelan
Fintan Whelan
Irish artist Fintan Whelan, born 1967 in Dublin, stands out for his large-scale mixed-media abstracts with oils, varnishes and pigments on canvas. Fintan trained at the Dun Laoghaire School of Art and the Dublin Institute of Technology, studying Art and Design and Graphic Design respectively. Fintan had his first solo show in 2005 and has since gone on to exhibit his work worldwide.

Fintan Whelan’s Style and Approach

Fintan pours, tilts and tips his materials to create intriguing abstract compositions inspired by landscapes and the human form. While on the surface his work does indeed elicit a sense of urgency, serendipity and chance, Fintan’s approach is in fact one of constant reassessment, contemplation and exploration. The mixed-media process of combining pigments and their multiple configurations, varnishes, oils and a myriad of other materials, is meticulously carried out. His highly alluring work, a profusion of swirling shapes and billowing colours as seen in the fittingly titled Immerse Yourself, oil on canvas, reawakens the imagination, prompting a plethora of emotional and intellectual reactions in the observer.

Collections and Exhibitions

Fintan has enjoyed worldwide exhibitions from London to New York and Germany where the artist now resides. His work has also been acquired by collectors across North America, Europe and Australia.
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