For many years, Ingrid Stübinger has devoted a large part of her work to the theme of the cows. By working on the motive, she was struck by their personalities, their fascinating anatomy, their roles in the herd-team, but also by their impact On the human who looks at them. It is as if they helped us to understand what R.M.RILKE said in his 8th Elegia of Duino: "With all the eyes the nature sees the opening, only our eyes are like reversed and do dam in our free outcome. "They have the power to root us in space and time and give us these moments of openness and total presence. The need to share this experience has given birth to portraits and herds. If the portrait, particularly capable of showing Individuality, character and states of souls, is realized against a neutral background, Ingrid Stübinger represents the herds often in the landscapes where it observed them: in Switzerland, Normandy, Germany, Italy, in night atmosphere or In a feast of colors under the sun. In his painting, Ingrid Stübinger pays tribute to this sacred animal in many cultures and pays him all his strength, his dignity and his mysteries. Demarche: The work of Ingrid Stübinger is influenced by German expressionism and gestural painting. She is a colorist who seeks to create light by the pigments, to show the beauty of the shadows. In his art, the colors come in large flows that are hugging. The painting of Ingrid Stübinger is marked by permanent risk -taking, dense and bright colors, as well as by decided, fast and vigorous touches. Through a process of transformation, overlapping or dissolution, it gives life to a abundant of flowers whose exuberance blooms abstraction, or even striking cows of expressiveness. Whatever the subject chosen -flower, landscape, bovid -, the quest is that of a very personal place, which Agerid Stübinger seeks to approach in a total immersion: "This impulse comes from the interior, as if I was carrying The patterns in me and that I made them come out through my body and my brushes. The work is then freer and more physical. "His painting, covered with graphic and chromatic tensions, seems to open a breach and shake up space, visual habits and fatigue of modernity.