Shadow Play

Paintings71.0 x 76.0 cm?
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More Works by Alison Bradley
Alison Bradley
North Wales based artist Alison Bradley works primarily in oils to create impressionistic style paintings of rural wildlife and remote landscapes. Atmosphere, light and tone all work to give Alison’s paintings an authentic sense of place and character. Alison’s approach is varied in medium and subject, she frequently translates her style into charcoal drawings and depicts images of sheep, horses and dogs. Often working from memory or photographs, Alison focuses on capturing moments in time, instilling each of her subjects with a serene mood.

Alison Bradley’s Education and Career

Alison was born in Nottingham, but has lived in north Wales for the last 15 years. After graduating from the University of Manchester studying Textile Design, Alison became a fine art painter, inspired by the landscapes and seascapes overlooking the Irish Sea. Alison’s natural surroundings remain her main source of inspiration and she uses her art to document daily life in north Wales.

Alison Bradley Gallery

In 2008 the Alison Bradley Gallery opened in Chester. Located on the outskirts of Snowdonia, the gallery echoes the beauty of the surrounding landscapes and shows an ever-changing display of Alison’s art. In 2016, Alison’s second gallery opened in the heart of Chester’s city centre. Alison’s paintings are also shown in the National Library of Wales, and have been featured on the BBC documentary, ‘Inspired by Snowdonia’.
Our insider says:

Alison delicately captures a moment in time, the light dancing across its subject. Whatever appears on the canvas – mountain, coastline, bustling street, or a farmer and his dog – Alison’s real subject is the light.

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