Franz Alias

  • About

Adept of Wabi-Sabi, this philosophy of Japanese origin which consists in accepting and recognizing beauty in the imperfection of things around us, Franz alias creates images of the present time so that they seem to emerge from another era. The term "wabi" evokes simplicity, loneliness, rustic and elegance at the same time, that of "Sabi" the beauty that has lived, the enhancement of age and wear, patina.

A slightly destroyed touch, random stripes, grain, flaws, unexpected spots, an outdated tone, its images resemble photographs of an old time, although they are today. He seeks to talk about time, the one who passes, the one who remains, these things and those living who cross him. It is a question of soliciting the reader, or the spectator, about his own place, of offering him to question his temporary presence in the face of the sustainability of things.

By adopting old argentic cameras and using black dandruff & amp; White outdated white, Franz alias enters into the very questioning of his approach: depositary of this equipment, he intends to extend his employment, to seek his defect and to create additional, in order to come closer of the imperfect.

The photographs are fired by the artist on Washi paper, this paper designed from natural Asian fibers, then laminated on canvas on chassis, an effect of material is then applied for a textured rendering.

Franz Alias Artworks

Gallery View

Height20 - 100 cm
Width15 - 80 cm
Price100 - 2,200
  • Square
  • Portrait
  • Landscape
All Art
showing 33-38 of 38
Mécanique chevaline by Franz Alias
View in a room interior
Mécanique chevaline by Franz Alias
Mécanique chevaline
Photography - 30x30 cm
Le jeune homme et la mer by Franz Alias
View in a room interior
Le jeune homme et la mer by Franz Alias
Le jeune homme et la mer
Photography - 30x40 cm
Pors poulhan by Franz Alias
View in a room interior
Pors poulhan by Franz Alias
Pors poulhan
Photography - 30x40 cm
La partance by Franz Alias
View in a room interior
La partance by Franz Alias
La partance
Photography - 60x20 cm
Les souvenirs et les regrets aussi by Franz Alias
View in a room interior
Les souvenirs et les regrets aussi by Franz Alias
À raz la marguerite by Franz Alias
View in a room interior
À raz la marguerite by Franz Alias
À raz la marguerite
Photography - 40x30 cm

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United States
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