Paxal slips into his creations a diversity of details, of patterns reminding us of the universe of Jérôme Bosch, Arcimboldo, Dali, Clovis Trouille, tattoo, comic, Aztec graphics and as many sources of inspiration that we can think of By exploring his universe.
Passion, the very essence of his work
Passionate about the trait since childhood, Paxal makes his imagination speak on paper and various supports. After entering the School of Fine Arts at the age of 15, he worked in advertising and then edition. During these years, he has never stopped indulging in his passion, to devote himself completely with appetite and compulsion.
The subject: support for the profusion of details
At Paxal, everything is in detail. The subject addressed is only pretext, support for its creation, it is a snap of the secret message contained in the work. To detect the real interest, we must let our gaze, slowly, all the details that make up or accompany the pattern.
As in the proverb of the sage who shows the moon, here the subject is only indicatory, there is only to attract the gaze on what comes then, an abundance of subtle, sometimes funny, often mystical elements, which express feelings, and reveal, develop a story.