The work of Pascal Brateau, an artist with an architectural background, is characterized by a singular experimentation with a variety of media and materials, and by a deep reflection on the theme of the inhabited, linked to the environment and the human condition. Active in France and Berlin, he gained international visibility in 2014 with the monumental installation The Other Side Of The World in Japan. Winner of a grant from the Pollock-Krasner Foundation, his works can be found in private collections including the A4 Art Museum in Chengdu, the Earth Art Museum in Japan, Ergastule and the plus-vite collection, as well as public collections such as the Carquefou public art collection and the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Nancy. The house, a central and recurring motif in the work, whether drawn, sculpted or integrated into installations, is never what it seems at first glance. At once refuge and trap, symbol of security and danger, it is rooted in reality yet open to metaphorical interpretation. Pascal Brateau's poetic yet critical approach "invites us not to explore the architectural forms of our habitats, but to reflect on what inhabits us and how it inhabits us. [...] Through his obsessive formal questioning, he pushes us to re-examine the essence of what animates each of us from within." (Miguel Costa)