Discover Dada artists online. Explore a selection of innovative and experimental artists inspired by the avant-garde movement such as Magnus Gjoen and Willie Nash, specialising in a variety of different mediums including photography, sculpture and painting.
British artist Alexandra Gallagher is known for her paintings and collages which celebrate the surreal and the bizarre. Alexander’s work oozes with Dada’s traditional negation of rationality. Her montages such as Apocalypse Now delve into the unpredictable realm of dream, memory and imagination.
Inspired by our ever-changing relationship with nature, Benjamin West produces multi-disciplinary work which comments on the impact of human activity on our surroundings. Uniting a collection of organic, lost or unwanted objects, including pressed flowers, plants, old book extracts and photographs, Benjamin arranges his compositions by hand - only using digital media for archiving or reproduction. The collage Natural Distancing is light and playful at a glance but communicates a much deeper environmental message upon deeper inspection.
Magnus Gjoen reinvents classical masterpieces, revamping traditional Middle Age art with a modernist twist, injecting new life into ageing works. His remarkably experimental style sits at the interface between Dadaism, Still Life and Figuratism. As an example, A Beautiful Thing is Never Perfect is a digital print that has entirely repurposed a Renaissance-era fresco onto a gun, cleverly blurring the line between the creation and the destruction of beauty.
Charlotte Whiston specialises in screen print. Led by a union of Constructivist, Abstract and Dadaist styles, her prints involve vivid blocks of colour and the marrying of abstracted classical and modern imagery such as Greek mythology and industrial architecture, as seen in Preparatory Study For ‘Doubt’, silkscreen print on somerset paper.
Discover Dada art for sale here.