Modern Painters

Discover the work of modern painters online, including emerging and established artists from around the world. Contemporary painters are fantastically diverse in background and style, and Rise Art is the best place to see their work, achievements and inspiration, from realist oil painters such as Georgia Peskett to surrealist portrait artists like Yassine Mourit, find out more about the ideas, inspirations and styles of painters hand-selected by leading curators.

Figurative Portrait Painters

Hiroshi Sato is a Japanese painter celebrated for his realist oil paintings. Inspired by themes of class and culture and how these influence the Self, Hiroshi paints intimate snapshots of his subjects caught in a private moment of contemplation, as can be seen in Scene K, oil on canvas. His figurative portraits, though highly detailed, always leave observers searching for the story beyond the canvas.

Also interested in the Self is avant-garde painter Joe Hesketh. Joe, however, is interested in exposing the darker side of the mind. Her somewhat deformed portraits of freakish characters are unapologetically grotesque and transgressive. Facebook, as an example, with its aggressive use of colour and sexual subject matter, both highlights and challenges the vulnerabilities and insecurities of 21st-century women.

Abstract Painters

Lee Ellis stands out for his expressive compositions and affecting raw style. His emotional artistry is unleashed in his poignant abstract paintings which juxtapose vibrant colours with dark subjects. His portraits such as The World Watches You Eat a Sandwich #2, oil, acrylic, spray paint and pastel on canvas, are particularly striking.

Fintan Whelan is known for his large-scale mixed-media abstract paintings of bounteous billowing shapes and shimmering colours. His imaginative works are a delicate synthesis of varnishes, oils and various other pigments inspired by natural landscapes. Transient World, oil on canvas, simultaneously connotes sophistication and mutability, eliciting the unpredictable nature of the earth.

Conceptual Painters

Michelle Hold’s conceptual paintings such as Wake Up take an immediate hold on observers. Her tempestuous style is critically acclaimed for its vibrant and emotional effect. Her canvases, which demonstrate feverish brushstrokes and lucid colour palettes, are an expressive force to be reckoned with.

Modern Impressionist Painters

Alison Johnson produces breathtaking seascape paintings which examine the transience of the natural world. With a style merging elements of fine art, impressionism and surrealism, Alison’s oil paintings are at once entirely unique and rich with meaning. Thoughtful, multi-textured scenes such as Delicate One, oil on canvas, mix moody palettes with wavering white light to express the dynamism and divine beauty of nature.

Discover paintings for sale here or find out more in our Guide To Paintings.

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    Featured Artists
    showing 1,351-1,365 of 1,378

    Claire Mériel

    B. 1962


    B. 1976

    Liz Lever

    United Kingdom
    B. 1985

    Michaël LEFEVRE

    B. 1969

    Sasha Makarska

    B. 1979

    Elina Evstig

    B. 1980

    Cristina Migliorini-Busato

    B. 1972

    jean-jacques Piezanowski

    B. 1952

    Franck Chambrun

    B. 1970

    Thibault Lepeudry

    B. 1973

    Le Thuy DELMONT

    B. 1977

    Yuuko Suzuki

    B. 1956

    Mark Buckley

    United Kingdom
    B. 1970

    Jane Daniell

    United Kingdom
    B. 1955

    Francis Gonnet

    B. 1959

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